Go Cashless with Laundry Boss: Download and Pay Smart!

Toss the change and use your phone to pay with ease! Download the Laundry Boss app and experience the convenience of mobile laundry payments. Say goodbye to laundromat hassles!


How to use the Laundry Boss App

Watch and see how easy it is to use the Laundry Boss app! This customer loads her clothes, adds her liquids. scans the QR code, confirms her payment, and is done!


Pay at the Machine with your Phone!

  1. Load your clothes into the washer or dryer.
  2. Using the Laundry Boss app, scan the QR code located on the machine.
  3. Confirm your payment.
  4. The signal is sent to the machine to begin.
  5. Relax!

Watch the Laundry Boss App in use on a Mobile Phone

See how easy it is to sign in and make your laundry choices on our laundry app!